Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1992

364 Underground Explołtation School * 92 1. The Outline of the Problem The raining Industry in the Ukrainę is of key importance for the industrial development of the sovereign republic. The deve1opment of the sedi mentary f i e i ds ( t he uni que manganese Nikopol basin, Bolshoi Tokmak, Dneprovsky grey coal etc. ) is associated with severe mine-and hydrogeological conditions which contribute to the processing cost growth. This area is characterized by the growing complexity of the electric eąuipment, power supply systems, thus worsening drastically the safety conditions. The rated power consumptlon for minera! mined is high so far: Mg ore - 70 kWh/t; coal (underground) - over 50 kWh/t. The power consumpt ion tends to increase due to the worsening mine-geological conditions, growing water content, presence of shifting bodłeś. The experience of running the mines, hydrostructures handling tunnels shows that the shifting bodies make mining operations difficult. The shifting bodies reąuire special ways of operation and cause the unstability and deformation of the underground structures, hinder the rate of constructłon and sometimes even lead to the emergency stops. Solidification of the shifting bodies, as the practice proves, brings down the number of undesirable geomechanical phenomena: the shifting bodies breaks through, fał 1ing of the collieries fłanks, clogging of faces,bodies blistering etc. The study of the properties thereof lacks the scientific background for the physico-cheraical naturę of stability and geophyslcal factors. 2« The new concept of the genuine and pseudoshift bodies The known physico-chemical ways of affecting the minerals are not used widely.We can single out three major reasons: -al 1 physico-chemical mesins ajre used separately (de- hydrofication, solidification with no account for the universal naturę of the shifting disperse bodies stability); -ai'fecting the rocks with the physicał fields and chemical