Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1992
Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej * 92 365 agents is carried out wi th no account for the strain-deformed state of the massif; t here exi st no sc i ent i f i cal1y grounded recommendat i ons as to which state it is technologically and economically reasonabłe to affect the rock changing Łts physical and mechanical properties. The new theoretical and experimental basis is reąuired to develop the alternative processes of stabiłizing the loose water containing rocks in mine construction. At the background of the problem, particularly electrochemical stabiłizing are the works by K.Endel, E.Gophman, B. A. Rzhanitsin, L.I.Kurdenkov, H.S.Fyodorov, V. I. Sokołovłtch, G.M. Lomize, G.Z.Zhinkin, N. I Titkov, V,V.Tchepelev and others. Still the regularities obtained include a whole list of values and processes influencing the rock to be further investigated. The structural links in the dispersed rocks are their main characteristic. The hardness of certain minerał grains can reach 300... 400 MPa, that same characteristic of the uncemented rocks be i ng next to zero. Thus ^ when studyi ng t he rocks havi ng t he shifting properties the moiecular, ion-electrostatic, ełectrostatic, magnetic and capi 1 lary links are of the major interest. The genuine shift bodies give off practicalły no water due to the very high surface energy which still grows proportionally to the dispersiveness;the pseudo-shifts have no structural 1 inks and. being affected with hydrodynamics pressure, turn into the fluid state. The main reasons for violat ion of the natural structure of the loose water containing rocks in course of mine operations are: 1) the vibration of the rocks skeleton; 2) - fiłtration forces; 3)change in the strain-deformed state of the massif bordering the working. In driving the working one faces the pseudo-shifts as a rule which exhibit the shifting properties only certain energy having been applied. This energy tesiring the natural rock structure varies for this or that rock.
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