Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1992
366 Underground Explołtation School * 92 3. The dispersed rocks study The dispersed rocks have been studied at a special vibro- dynamic stand włth controllabie freąuency of 4 to 40000 Hz, and acceleration of O to 30 g. The energy density has been determined reąułred to brlng the water contałning rocks into the shifting condition, The study of the structure and links madę it possible to comp ile the di agram of t he s tate for t he di spersed wat er containing rocks as wel 1 as to classify them according to the shiftability (table 1). The investigation of the chemical, minerał, granularmetric composition, the sponge ability auid physico-chemical properties of rocks made it possible to state various potential abilities of the rocks to irreversibly transform under short-term physico -chemical inf1uence. The techniąue has been elaborated to determine the chemically active part of the rock which głves the possibility to recommend the quajititative factors of fłxing mixtures, to establish the optimal regimes^ thus making use of the rock potential abilities in course of stabi1ization. The clay colloid pajrt of the rock is capable of imbibe the cations out of the mixture. The aggregate surface of Ig colloid fraction is millions of times greater than for the sand part i cles. This explains the cons iderable surface energy of colloids which can be felt in ions sorbition. Besides, one should account for the electrical naturę of these phenomena depending the colloids electrical charge. This should be obligatory accounted for in rocks stabi1ization. The rocks colloid particles such as Fe and Al hydroxides in the field of the d.c. in electrochemical stabilization change " plus" for "minus", i.e. exhibit the amphoteric properties, as a result, change their direction which precludes the electroosmosis. The number of amphoteric particles being great the direction of the electroosmotically moving water changes. These processes are due to changing of the hydrogen factor of the media pHo. Changing of the charge sign and the magnitude for the amphoteric leads to changing of the magnitude
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