Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1992
Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej * 92 369 O.1...0,2 to 10 MPa. The new regularities in processes of the electrochemical stabi1ization have been found which are simlłar to the natural geochemical processes (dłagenesis). the new classification of the dispersed rocks has been worked out which provides for the possibi11ty to create the new methods of physlco-chemlcal stabllization. The new methods provlde for the followlng: mine operat ions and construction under severe conditions and in presence of the shift-bodies; mine workings protection against the breaks-through of the water containing rocks; cutting the period of construction and re-construct ion of the mine enterprises; ąuick repair under cases of emergency, environmental protection. 5. Practical aspects of the resource-saving methods of the rock stabllization The techno1og i es and phys i co-chemi cal ways of rocks stabllization are put Into effect at dlfferent objects to solve the practical problems: "Krasnopovstanchesky" collectlon tunnel, Dnepropetrovsk; mine workings drivings, repair, raisIng stability at the mines of Dnepr brown coal basin; mine exploration over the zones of tectonic disturbances; shaft driving at Dnepropetrovsk metro. 3 The cost of Im stabilized rock is 2.5-3.5 times lower than by freezing. Technical characteristic of stabi1ized rock: compressive single axial strength - 1.0...5.O mPa; stabllization 3 time - 2-3 days; minerał solution consumption - 110-120 l/m , solution density - 1.12 ... 1.28 g/cm . The physlco-chemical stabllization is used at 18 objects 3 having severe mine and hydrogeological conditions. Over 3000 m of Shift bodies were solidified, 152 m of workings have been recovered 750 m of counter-fiItrat ion have been created.
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