Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1992

426 Underground Exploitation School '92 The Ostrava-Karvina Coal Basin is the Czechoslovak part of the Upper Silesian Basin. From its totai extent of 1632 km , onły an area of 305 km is occupied by the fields of act ive mines. The rest corresponds to an eirea explored in varying deg- ree as far as the geology and the characteristics of the depo- sit are concerned. With the advance of the mining to greater depth, the danger of rock bursts increases. It is enhanced by physical and mecha- nical properties of coal and the surroimding rocks encountered in the Basin, the complicated tectonic pattern of the deposit and specific conditions related to the development of the seams. The demger of rock bursts affects the safety of work in the mi- nes, the technology of the mining, the economy of coal produc- tion and last, but not least, the physical state of the miners. These circumstances in generał and a rock burst with catastro- phic conseąuences occured in the Coal Mine Doubrava in 1974 pro- voked the need for a systematic research on rock burst prevention and for a rapid implementation of its results in the mining practice. Since 1974» such a system of rock burst preven- tion has been introduced in Ostrava-Karvina coal mines (OKD). A high level of theoretical knowledge is indispensable for an effective prevention of rock bursts. The research carried out in Czechoslovakia was based on the experience gained abroad. As a result, generał instructions for the mining in seams liable to rock bursts were issued and an organization structure of rock burst prevention was proposed. Theoretical assumption of the mechanism of rock bursts were studied and described by more authors. For the conditions of the Ostrava-Karvina Coal Basin a rock burst may defined as a sudden faiłure of rock mass during which elastic energy is released ajid converted into work. This affects that units of rock mass are burst or displaced into a mine worki ng. Gaseous or lląuid components contained in rock mass do not participate in the above bursting or displacement or their participation is negll- gible. The organization structure of rock burst may be described brieflays follows: 1. The outlines of prevention system are determined by a so cal-