Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1992
Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej * 92 427 led Maln Commlssion for the Prevention of Rock Bursts. This commission is composed of leading specialists of OKD and representatives of specialized organizations dealing with problems of rock mechanics. 2. In the framework of OKD, rock burst prevention as such is di- rected by a specialized organization called Underground Exploration and Safety in Mines. Workers of that organization give consultations on the prevention, make the respective la- boratory and other tests as well as regular checking and ap- proval of the work done by the staff of the coli ieries in the field of rock mechanics. At the same time. they evaluate the efficiency of the preventive measures taken in the mlnes and make a detailed investigation into all registered rock bursts and other anomalous geomechanical manifestations. 3. In all mines of Ostrava-Karvina Basin, there is a geomecha- nicist of the mine. If the danger of rock bursts in a give mine is greater, there is a geomechEinical department composed of two or more persons. They are in charge of directing rock burst prevention, especially the implementation of protective measures in the mining practice. In addition to it, there are Commissions for the prevention of rock bursts establlshed in mines liable to rock burst to give consultation on individual problems. They are directed by Chief Engineer of the respec- tive mine Rock burst prevention is preceded by a prediction. The pre- diction is aimed at determined the liability of coal seams to rock bursts and at classifying them according to that danger. Theoretical ly, the rock mass is conceived as a set of energetic systems and a rock burst as a manifestation of a critical state of these systems. The aim of the predict ion is to detect such critical states in the energetic systems. The liability of coal seams or part the seam delimited by tectonic faults to bursts is deduced, as a rule, from aji evalua- tion of strength and deformation properties of the coal seam and the surrounding rocks of the roof and the floor. In that evalua- tion, the basie method of mining used in OKD. i.e. longwall mi- ning with caving or stowing, is taken into account. As a result
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