Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 1
Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej '93 Wide development of a new appreach to the solution of the problem of mining is withstanded by the absence of necessary devices and installations for measuring tensions in rock mass, the geodynamic mapping of mine fields and for the study of rock fissuring. The task of main importance is to improve the training of personnel for the fulfilment of such works. At the same time mining engineers, who graduated from Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute get necessary knowledge in the field of geodynamics, while in some other higher mining schools not so much attention is paid to this subject. Now we must note, that scientifically new results of investigations of undeground coal gasification geodinamic influence found its reflection in some thesis and novelty of technical elaborations is proved by 45 inventions. Literature K o ł o k o ł ow O . B . , T a b a c z e n ko H . M. 1990, Prioritetnaja technologia dobyczi i pierejabotki uglja. Ugod Ukrainy, II, 12-15. K o l o k o ł ow O . B . , T a b a c z e n ko H . M . , 1991» Geotechniczeskije sposoby rozrobotki miestorożdiem polieznich iskopajemych. 200. K o ł o k o l ow O . B . , T a b a c z e n ko H . M, 1992, Ekologizacja technologii dobyczi, pieriepabotki i ispol- zowanija uglja, Ugol, 3, 42-45 Sekcja II 237
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