Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 2

Underground Exploitation School '93 SIMRACs responsibilities include: the identification of research needs based on the safety risk in mines and then of research projects based on these needs; the determination of the cost and priorities of these projects; the subsequent imposition of a levy to fund the research; the monitoring of progress on the projects; and the communication of the results of the research to all parties concemed. 4. Acknowledgement The permission of Mr J B Raath, Govemment Mining Engineer and Mr D Bakker, Director: Mine Safety, to allow me to write this łecture and their constant support is gratefully accknowledged. The author acknowledges aiso the assistance of M Roberts, D Hemp, A Sąuelch and Dr L Wojno, researchers in the Chamber of Mines - Research Organization, in the preparation of text. 114 Tom II