Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 2
Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej '93 INTRODUCTION it SHALLOW", "INTERMEDIATE" AND "DEEP" MINING CONDITIONS Surface -O 0 1 s iń s o -500 Little fracturing or ęlosure - 1 0< -1 500 . 2 000 - 2 500 - 3 000 Significant fracturing and stopę closures 0 - 2- 8 - 10- E S 20- 2 iA c f) a i g s i w 30- "O o I a Z a 40 - "Z Ji (50) - cc c LU (70)-; Heavy fracturing and closure (Oepth < 1 000 m) "Shal low" mining (Mainly scattered mfning with regional pillars) (Oepth 1 000-2 250 m) "Intermediate" Depth mining (Mainly scattered mining some iongwalling) (Depth > 2 250 m) "Deep" mining (Mainly Iongwalling with regional support systems) SHALLOW INTER- MEDIATE » t DEEP Typical depth (m) Average (regionał) ERR (MJ/m^) < 1 000 < 8 1 000—2 250 8—40 > 2 250 >40- Vertfcal virgin stress l6vełs (MPa) Stress fracturing Stopę closure rate (mm/m advance) Influence of geology on hangingwall stablllty Possible extent of falls of ground Rockburst hazard Low (<25) Little Low (<10) Strong Can be large MInimal Moderate (25—60) Moderate Moderate (10—30) Moderate Often smali Moderate to Severe High (>60) Intense High (>30) Moderate Usually smali Severe *if regional support not used Sekcja III 115
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