Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 2

Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej '93 DEEP MINING STRATEGIES Fina) remnant po$ltion Bracket pillar (or special strike stabilizing pillars) t Dip @ @ ® © ERR contro): number of remnants minimized (idea) locatlon: against unmlned abutm«nt)» stralght longwall faces wi th strictty controlled leads/iags Use of regłonal suppcrt (stabilizing pillars andbr backfiti kept close to face) Geological structures approached obliquely, and mined through or glven substantial piUar protectlon. Locai $upport tatlored to high closure rates and potentła} seismicity (Rapid yielding hydraulic props, elongates, yielding packa in gullifts). Fbilow-b«hind footwaii haulages avoiding high face stresses. Sekcja III 117