Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 2

Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej '93 THE FORCES SPECIFIED FOR THE VARIOUS FUNCTIOIMAL REOUIREMENTS OF THE NEW RAPID HYDRAULIC PROP: Maximum transient Slow yield Setting Minimum for rockfal Prop force (kN) Rapid yield Setting Stopę closure Rockburst Stopę closure TIME 1. Setting Force 120kN to 160kN 2. Słow Yield Force : 170 to 200kN 3. Rapid Yield Rate At least 3ni/s 4. Rapid Yield Force 400kN to SOOkN at closure rates > 0,5m/s 5. Forces Changes Under Rapid Yield : Must remain in the rangę 400 - 500kN 6. Longitudinal Resilience Suggested minimum 0,05mm/kN (20kN/mm) 7. Mass Of Prop Recommended less than 35kg 8. Blast-on Capability Must be protected against premature functional deteriovation from impact during blasting when set close to the face. Sekcja III 121