Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 2

Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej *93 BACKFILL A S REGIONAL AND LOCAL SUPPORT •THE MAJOR OBJECTIYES OF THE RESEARCH PROGRAMME: Ouantify the in situ behaviour of backfill materials and surrounding rockmass with a view to a s sess the local and regional support potential of backfill; Oetermine the benefits of backfilting In redudng rockburst damage and rockfalls; Develop constitutive modets whtch simulate the in situ behaviour of backfills; To ewaluate the benefits llkely to be obtained from the use of backfill as local and regionat support compared to conventional support practices; - Des ign new mining layouts which maxlmize the potential of backfill while reducing the cost of mirting. The major finding of the research Is that the backfill does reduce rockburst damage and related rockfall accidents if it ts used properly e.g. - maximum distance to face is 6m - percentage of backfilling > 6 0 % . Sekcja III 123