Materiały konferencyjne SEP 1993 - tom 2

Szkoła Eksploatacji Podziemnej *93 m = * R ^ - O M - f n ^ (9) 5. The practice of remoYing the floating mass at "VerboIozovskaya" mine, PO "Alexandriyaugol" The drill hole 1,2 m dig sunk from the surface and steel tubed was to provide the ventilation of the mine northen wing and to serve the emergency rescue route. It was suggested to open the drill hole with the ventilation drift. 1.5 m to the shaft left to go, the coal spilt occured between the upper part of the last frame and the vanguar support, The opening gave way for the wetted sand, Initiailythe bulk split amounted 50 m^. To prevent the rocks escape the wooden dam was started. However, several hours later the split recurred having filled the ventilation and, partly,the northen haulage drifts. The bulk split excepted 600 m^. The shoft surfase sank and obtained the from of a funnel 9 m dia and 12 m deep. Due to emergency the northen wing was out of use for a long time and only in half a year when the split mass partly dried the works were resumed. The considerable room was cleared of the rocks and the shaft was approached up to 12 m. To keep them safe two protective dams were erected. Further advance without special methods of support was fraught with goafs. It was decided to carry out the physico-chemical hardening of the rocks using the Staff of the mine and the team of the Mining Institute, moreover there existed the experience of liquidation of the goaf at the same mine in 1986*. The works were performed in two stages. First, the floating rocks in the heading sited 10 m of the dam to the goaf weresubjected to the electrical and vacuum treatment. Second, the rocks were physico-chemically hardened 4 m from the ventilation hole and 2.2 m off its contour to oreat the cove strong enough at the point of contact; horizontal heading-shaft. On the first stage it was sufficient to tiansform the rocks from the floating to the solid-resilicut state. Riysico-chemicaJ hardening consisted in active feeding the direct current to the floating mass and simultaneous vacuum treatment of water with the help of cathodes. The electrodes of the punched tube sections 40-50 mm dia 2.5 m long , 0.6-0.8 m spaced and by special couplings were plased throught the wooden dam with the original device. The punched tubes were wrapped with metal net to provide for the fine fraction filtration. The current source was the inductive voltage regulator UP 59/32 Y3 and the rectifier błock compiled of the cells B -320. The rocks were electrically treated with the Yoltage gradient 4.5 V/cm and vacuume on the cathodes 0.05-0.06 MPa. The works * Bondarcnko V., Khristich N.,Yastchenko A.. Physico-chemical method of Iiquidation of goaft in headings. "Ugol Ukraini".-1986-N 8. - p.22-23. Sekcja III 157