Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2018

20. Zasoby energetyczne Złoża ropy naftowej, gazu, węgla, zasoby do produkcji energii jądrowej Odnawialne zasoby energii na przykład: biomasa (lasy, odpady leśne, słoma, odpady rolnicze, energia wodna, geotermalna, słoneczna, wiatrowa itd. „Energy Resources in INSPRE covers historic, current and future energy resources and the entire lifecycle of energy resources , irrespective of its viability in terms of economic, social and technological aspects . It takes into account resources that are depleted due to exploitation in the past and resources currently not viable but may become so in the future. Information about location and the potential of energy resources have a significant impact on the environment. This impact can have both positive and negative implications, therefore appropriate knowledge about the extent, distribution and volumes of the resources is of great value. There is a main distinction between fossil fuels and renewable energy resources. The concept of energy resources provides focus to the resource aspect and the extent/distribution of the resources.”