Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2018

[7] PN  EN 10002  1:2002: Metale. Próba rozciągania. Część 1: Metoda badania w temperaturze oto- czenia. [8] PN-EN 24016:1999: Śruby z łbem sześciokątnym. Klasa dokładności C. [9] PN-ISO 261:2001: Gwinty metryczne ISO ogólnego przeznaczenia. Układ ogólny. [10] PN-ISO 965-1:2001: Gwinty metryczne ISO ogólnego przeznaczenia. Tolerancje. Część 1: Zasa- dy i dane podstawowe. PROBLEM OF BOLTS HEADS CORROSION IN RESPECT OF TUBING LINING SAFETY IN THE KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ S.A SHAFTS ABSTRACT: In the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. ventilation shafts, the corrosion problem of the bolts that are installed at horizontal flanges of tubing rings occurs. According to the require- ments, the bolts should comply with the standard requirements throughout the lifetime of the shaft. If the volume of the heads will decrease, the nominal tensile strength will also decrease. This may cause significant safety issue. In this paper the analysis of environmental conditions prevailing in the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A shafts was presented in connection with the as- sessment of bolts condition based on strength and deformation tests.