Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2019

LITERATURA [1] EC Katowickie Przedsiębiorstwo Geologiczne Sp. Z.O.O., Dodatek nr 2 do dokumentacji geologicz- nej złoża węgla kamiennego „Knurów” w kategoriach A, B, C 1 i C 2 , Katowice 2012. [2] Polska Norma PN-82/G-97002 Węgiel kamienny – typy. Selected Aspects of the Geological Structure of the Knurów Coal Deposit in Accordance with Model Research The Knurów coal deposit is characterized by rich tectonics (complex structural geology) and morphologically variable overburden. Within the boundaries of the deposit, a fold zone called the knurow anticline is separated and four fault zones with total amplitudes (displace- ment) up to several dozen meters. During the implementation of the 3D model of the deposit, a number of complications related to the correct interpretation of the formation and course of the above-mentioned tectonic structures were encountered. With a detailed analysis of the 3D model stages, additional data was introduced to constraint the modelling program according to the given assumptions. This process included poorly identified or documented areas of the de- posit p to the extent requiring geologist actions.