Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2019

6 Artykuł zrealizowano w ramach subwencji nr LITERATURA [1] Filin S.: Technika i technologia produkcji sztucznego lodu . Wydawnictwo Masta 2006 [2] Biffi M., Stanton D.J. (2008): Cooling power for a new age. Third International Platinum Conference “Platinum in Transformation”. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2008, pp. 239- 247. [3] Cameron L. (2008): As miners go deeper, spotlight’s falling once more on ice technology. Mining Weekly, 28th March 2008. [4] Efrat T., Rott S. (2010): 27MW Industrial cooling applications based on the ide’s energy efficiency vacuum icemaker. IIR Proceedings Series “Refrigeration Science and Technol- ogy”, 2010/5, pp. 177-183. [5] Eschenburg H.M.W, Middleton J.V.G., Hemp R. (1986): 1000 ton per day ice plant for underground cooling at Harmony gold mine. International Journal of Refrigeration Volu- me 9, Issue 6, November 1986, pp. 357-361. [6] Szlązak N., Obracaj D., Piergies K., 2011: Możliwości wykorzystania lodu zawiesinowe- go w klimatyzacji kopalń podziemnych. Górnictwo i Geologia: kwartalnik. Wydawnictwa Politechniki Śląskiej, t. 6 z. 3, s. 183–197. [7] Szlązak N., Obracaj D., 2012: Klimatyzacja kopalni podziemnej z wykorzystaniem lodu zawiesinowego. Górnictwo i Geologia: kwartalnik. Wydawnictwa Politechniki Śląskiej, t. 7 z. 4, s. 71–86. [8] Szlązak N., Obracaj D., Swolkień J., 2018: An Evaluation of the Functioning of Cooling Systems in the Polish Coal Mine Industry. Energies , Volume 11, Issue 9. [9] Wilson R.W., Pieters A. (2008): Design and construction of a surface air cooling and re- frigeration installation at a South African mine. 12 th U.S./North American Mine Ventila- tion Symposium 2008, pp. 191-195. ICE TRANSPORT IN MINE COOLING SYSTEMS Harsh climate condition in underground mines cause that cooling systems have to be used. Currently each cooling systems in Polish mines use water to distribute cooling power. The de- velopment of working cooling systems is difficult because many components have to be re- built. For increasing cooling power ice slurry could be used. In the paper methods of transport ice in cooling systems were presented. Also were presented advantages and disadvantages of using ice. According to heat loses measurements in Polish underground mines the effectiveness of transport ice slurry were calculated.