Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2019

6 Rys. 4. Prezentacja wyrobiska z wizjerem [zdjęcia autorskie] Figure 4. Presentation of the excavation with the visor [Author’s photo] LITERATURA [1] Materiały opracowane przez Muzeum Górnictwa Węglowego w Zabrzu. THE WAY OF MINING EXCAVATIONS PRESENTATION FOR TOURIST PURPOSES USING A SPECIAL VISOR The paper presents the way of presentation of former mining excavations located behind the TI-12/IV dam built in the Main Key Heritage Adit in the Diagonal Sidewalk east of the Main Walkway in board 510 in the Museum of Coal Mining in Zabrze. During the preparatory works, the opening of the TI-12/IV insulating dam was carried out as part of the rescue opera- tion, the lute was built and the ventilation of part of the space behind the dam was started. In addition, a demineralized excavation was carried out. After obtaining the air flowing out from