Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2019

Prace projektowe są prowadzone zgodnie z metodyką KGHMStep, dostosowaną do zakresu projektu i dojrzałości organizacji. Przyjęta metodyka stanowi gwarancję bezpiecznego przepro- wadzenia zmian w Organizacji UR wraz z wdrożeniem systemu iZIP. Support of Business Processes in the Area of Maintenance with the Use of the Integrated iZIP System in Mining Plants of KGHM The project is one of the main elements of the concept regarding the development and imple- mentation of the IT Ore mine management system, which is to support activities aimed at op- timizing processes and organizing production. The work aims at implementation of changes in production infrastructure management at the KGHM Mine. The project will enable the acquisition of a uniform and coherent source of information, planning and scheduling of work as well as operating and investment expenditures. The system will ensure quicker access to data, cooperation of corporate services and create conditions fa- vourable to achieving and maintaining the desired availability and reliability of the infrastruc- ture. The project will have a positive impact on improving the safety of maintenance and devel- opment planning and is a project dedicated to KGHM. We are in the pilot development process now. After reaching the project's aims we will plane changes to cover the whole area of production infrastructure management.