Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2020

LITERATURA [1] Raport skonsolidowany KGHM za III kwartał 2019 roku, attachments/skonsolidowany_raport_kwartalny_gk_kghm_qsr_3_2019.pdf [2] H. Dudycz, P. Stefaniak and P. Pyda, Advanced Data Analysis in Multi-site Enterprises. Basic Prob- lems and Challenges Related to the IT Infrastructure, in Computational Collective Intelligence. Pro- ceedings. Part 2, eds. N-T. Nguyen, R. Chbeir, E. Exposito, P. Aniorte and B. Trawiński, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 11684 ( Springer, 2019), pp. 383-393, doi:10.1007 [3] Powstanie Polska Platforma Przemysłu 4.0. Ministerstwo Rozwoju, 31.05.2017, 2017 [4] Projekt ustawy o Fundacji Platforma Przemysłu Przyszłości, Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrów, 05.11.2018, 2018,, Projekt-ustawy-o-Fundacji- Platforma-Przemyslu-Przyszlosci.html [5] Allen Dreibelbis, Eberhard Hechler, Ivan Milman, Martin Oberhofer, Paul van Run, Dan Wolfson, Enterprise Master Data Management (Paperback), An SOA Approach to Managing Core Information [6] Data Governance jako część ładu korporacyjnego, governancejakoczescladukorporacyjnegowww [7] Sunil Tiwaria, H.M. Weeb,, Yosef Daryantob, Big data analytics in supply chain management between 2010 and 2016: Insights to industries, Computers & Industrial Engineering , Volume 115 [8] Benjamin T. Hazena,n, Christopher A. Booneb, Jeremy D. Ezellc, L. Allison Jones-Farmerc, Data quality for data science, predictive analytics, and big data in supply chain management: An introduc- tion to the problem and suggestions for research and applications, Int. J. Production Economics [9] Kim Hua Tana, YuanZhu Zhana,n, Guojun Jib, Fei Yec, Chingter Changd, Harvesting big data to enhance supply chain innovation capabilities: An analytic infrastructure based on deduction graph, Int. J. Production Economics [10] Kannan Govindana,⁎, T.C.E. Chengb, Nishikant Mishrac, Nagesh Shuklad, Big data analytics and application for logistics and supply chain management, Transportation Research Part E [11] Samuel Fosso Wamba, Angappa Gunasekaran, Thanos Papadopoulos, Eric Ngai, Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management, IJLM 29,2 [12] Yuanyuan Lai, Huifen Sun and Jifan Ren, Understanding the determinants of big data analytics (BDA) adoption in logistics and supply chain management, IJLM 29,2 [13] Florian Kache and Stefan Seuring, Challenges and opportunities of digital information at the inter- section of Big Data Analytics and supply chain management, IJOPM 37,1 [14] Morten Brinch, Understanding the value of big data in supply chain management and its business processes, Understanding thevalueofbig data in SCM, 1589 [15] Robert Glenn Richey Jr, Tyler R. Morgan, Kristina Lindsey-Hall, Frank G. Adams, A global explo- ration of Big Data in the supply chain, IJPDLM 46,8 [16] Bo Li, Yulong Li, Internet of things drives supply chain innovation: a research framework, The In- ternational Journal of Organizational Innovation, Vol 9 Num 3 January 2017 - SECTION B. [17] Samuel FossoWamba, Angappa Gunasekaran, Rameshwar Dube, Eric W., T. Ngai, Bigdata analytics in operations and supply chain management, Springer Science Business Media, LLC [18] Benjamin T. Hazen, Joseph B. Skipper, Christopher A. Boone, Raymond R. Hill, Back in business: operations research in support of big data analytics for operations and supply chain management This paper presents challenges connected with data management and decisions-making within the context of Supply Chain Management in KGHM Polish Cooper. The first part describes IT systems used for handling business processes and implementation needs new solutions. Then it describes analytical platform model for SCM needs. The third part of paper presents an exam- ples of business processes based on analytical platform within management of SCM. Finally it shows future plans of platform development and further implementation of business processes i.e. common material indexes database for whole KGHM Capital Group.