Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2020
[11] Brigham E.F., Daves P.R. 2016: Intermediate Financial Management, Cengage Learning, Boston, str. 469 [12] Buchalik G. Motyczka S., Szafarczyk J., Baic I., Blaschke W. 2019: Economic efficiency of the dry separation process - Polish experience. Congress Proceeding Volume II - XIX International Coal Preparation Congress, Woodhead Publishing India Pvt., New Delhi Indie, str.54-63 [13] Felis P. 2016: Finansowa ocena inwestycji rzeczowych, Difin, Warszawa. [14] Ghost T., Path D., Parekh B.K., Honaker R.Q. 2013: Uprading low Rank Coal Using a Dry Density - Based Separator Technology. Proceedings of the 17 th International Coal Preparation Congress, Istan- bul, str. 295-308. [15] de KORTE GJ. (2014), Dry Processing Of Coal - Status Update, Report CSIR/Nre/Mmr/Er/2014/0040/B, Coaltech, South Africa. [16] Honaker R.Q. 2007a: Dry Coal Cleaning Technologies for India Coal , Workshop on Coal Beneficia- tion and Utilization of Rejects: Initiatives, Policies and Best Practices Ranchi, India. [17] Honaker R.Q. 2007b: Development of an Advanced Deshaling Technology to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Coal Handling, Processing, and Utilization Operations. U.S. Department of Energy, In- dustrial Technologies Program, Mining of the Future, ID Number: DE-FC26-05NT42501. [18] Li Gongamin 2006: Coal Compound Dry Cleaning Technique-study and Practice. Proceedings of 15 th International Coal Preparation Congress. Beijing. Tom II, str. 439-447. [19] Michalski M.Ł. 2009: Analiza metody oceny efektywności inwestycji rzeczowych. Ekonomia Me- nadżerska, str. 119-128 [20] Mijał W., Blaschke W., Baic I. 2018a: Dry coal beneficiation methods in Poland. Proceedings of the 25th World Mining Congress. Astana. Kazachstan. [21] Mijał W., Blaschke W., Baic I. 2018b: Sucha metoda wzbogacania węgla w Polsce. Przegląd Górni- czy – Polish Mining Review, Zeszyt 11. str. 9-18. Economic Efficiency of the Dry Coal Separation Process – World and Polish Experience The dry separation technology based on the use of a new generation of FGX air-vibrating separators is currently used on an industrial scale in many countries where hard coal is mined. Installations based on dry separation technology are used as independent plants or as initial separation module before processes of coal wet cleaning. In recent years, also in Poland, thanks to the work undertaken by the industrial and scientific consortium Warkop Sp. z o. o. and Łukasiewicz Research Network - IMBiGS, the interest in this technology both among hard coal producers and distributors has increased. The paper presents the results of a simplified economic analysis of the implementation of dry separation technology in world and Polish conditions including the identification of investment outlays and operating costs in a generic manner and the assessment of project effectiveness in a generic system using static and discount methods for assessing investment effectiveness, i.e.: PP, ROI, ROE, NPV, IRR, PI.
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