Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2020

LITERATURA [1] Dziurzyński W., Kruczkowski J. 2007: Validation of the mathematical model used in the ventgraph programme on the example of the introduction of new headings to the ventilation network of mine. Archives of Mining Sciences, Vol. 52, no 2, pp. 155-169. Evaluation of Possibilities to Increase the Ventilation Capacity of Shaft Ventilation Subnet No. 5 The paper carried out an analysis and assessment of the ventilation net - the correctness of sim- ulation data with real data was checked, simulation calculations were carried out for given net states by changing the ventilation method and by assuming drilling of large-diameter holes and choosing the parameters of main ventilation fans at Shaft No. 5 by modernizing them. It was assumed that the holes will be made between levels I (-228m) and IV (-461m). The diameter of the drilled holes should be 1200mm to reach 1000mm after tubing, thanks to which the total aerodynamic resistance of each hole will be R = 2.50 kg/m 7 . In order to ensure the minimum correct functioning of the ventilation system, it was assumed to make at least one large-dia- meter hole and to modernize the main ventilation fans at Shaft No. 5. The next hole will ensure the right amount of air in each of the ventilation areas.