Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2020

[17] „Policymakers across the world turn their attention to sustainable finance”, Bloomberg Professional Services 13.12.2019 [18] „Wytyczne KE w zakresie raportowania niefinansowego”, zakresie-raportowania-niefinansowego, dostęp 03.01.2020 [19] Komunikat Komisji Europejskiej z dnia 20.06.2019 - Wytyczne dotyczące sprawozdawczości w zakresie informacji niefinansowych: Suplement dotyczący zgłaszania informacji związanych z klima- tem (2019/C 209/01) [20] Raport Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Codelco za 2017 rok (Reporte de Sustentabilidad 2017); Spra- wozdanie Codelco za 2018 rok (Memoria Anual 2018); Plan zrównoważonego rozwoju Codelco (Plan Maestro de Sustentabilidad) [21] Strategia KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. na lata 2019-2023; Strategia 2018-2030 z uwzględnieniem Spó- łek Zależnych GK JSW; Zrównoważony Raport KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. za 2018 rok, Raport Zin- tegrowany JSW za 2018 r. [22] „KGHM zaciera ręce. Elektromobilność napędzi zapotrzebowanie na miedź”, Businessinsider 18.10.2018 [23] „Kryzys etapem ewolucji. Geopolityka, ekologia, innowacje”, Puls Biznesu 02.01.2020 [24], (data dostępu: 07.01.2020) [25] „Green revolution spreads to metals”, Financial Times, sierpień 2017 [26] on-cooperation-to-establish-the-responsible-copper-initiative?language=en,(data dostępu: 07.01.2020) The mining industry facing challenges driven by the sustainable development idea SUMMARY: The climatic crisis and its consequences are the issues provoking and an exten- sive discussion among various parties. A fierce pressure on authorities and, indirectly, on busi- ness representatives was posed by the UN in 2015 by adopting the “2030 Agenda” (Sustainable Development Goals). 193 countries have declared the willingness to join the initiatives aimed at sustainable development. How has the business answered to that call? Is any progress being made in the traditionally polluting industries, i.e. the mining sector? Does it mean that their time has come to an end? The above is one of many doubts rising upon getting familiar with the SDG. In the meantime, it turns out that the business, including the environment-harming industries, is learning how to benefit from the new order and make it their competitive ad- vantage. The sustainable development initiatives are being reflected in the vast majority of mining companies’ strategies. Directions set by the principles of sustainable development are aimed at bringing benefits for the business environment. However, we can already see that there is a clear tendency of companies attempting to make use of their responsible and sustain- able approach. They consider it as an important part of their future success. KEYWORDS: Sustainable development, mining industry, stakeholders, challenges