Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2020

Kategoryzacja poszczególnych grup ryzyka 11 Unacceptable Serious Medium Low Acceptable Total Ground Control 0,00% 24,00% 52,00% 20,00% 4,00% 100,00% Gases 0,00% 0,00% 66,67% 28,57% 4,76% 100,00% Seismic Activity 0,00% 40,00% 13,33% 20,00% 26,67% 100,00% Radiation 0,00% 0,00% 16,67% 50,00% 33,33% 100,00% Water 0,00% 5,88% 23,53% 52,94% 17,65% 100,00% Lightening and Electric 0,00% 8,00% 24,00% 28,00% 40,00% 100,00% Technological 0,00% 3,57% 7,14% 75,00% 14,29% 100,00% Infrastructure Related Risk 0,00% 0,00% 22,22% 55,56% 22,22% 100,00% Noise 0,00% 9,09% 18,18% 45,45% 27,27% 100,00% Vibration 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 50,00% 50,00% 100,00% Blasting Works 0,00% 31,25% 25,00% 25,00% 18,75% 100,00% Ventilation and Air Condition 0,00% 15,79% 26,32% 47,37% 10,53% 100,00% Machinery 0,00% 22,22% 33,33% 44,44% 0,00% 100,00% Dust 0,00% 0,00% 50,00% 50,00% 0,00% 100,00% Economic 0,00% 0,00% 13,33% 26,67% 60,00% 100,00% Social 0,00% 0,00% 8,33% 41,67% 50,00% 100,00% Political Risk 0,00% 12,50% 0,00% 25,00% 62,50% 100,00% Pollution 0,00% 0,00% 0,00% 30,00% 70,00% 100,00% ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS RISK AT THE WORKPLACE RISKS RELATED TO MINING OPERATIONS OTHER Percentage of risk in each category [%] 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75