Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2021

LITERATURA [1] Walentek A., Lubosik Z. (2017): Optymalizacja obudowy wyrobisk przyścianowych zlokalizowanych na głębokości większej niż 1000 m. Przegląd Górniczy, 2/2017, 76-84. [2] Bigby D. (2004): Coal mine roadway support system handbook. Rock Mechanics Technology for the Health and Safety Executive, Research Report 229a. [3] Walentek A. (2018): Empiryczna i numeryczna metoda prognozy zasięgu strefy spękań górotworu wo- kół chodnika przyścianowego przed frontem ściany. Przegląd Górniczy, 2/2018. [4] Dokumentacja kopalni Piast-Ziemowit Ruch Piast: Opracowanie opinii w zakresie doboru obudowy następujących wyrobisk: przecinki ścian: 372a, 373a, chodniki: 91101, 91102 oraz 91103 w II warstwie pokładu 209, partii XI wraz z wykonaniem badań penetrometrycznych i laboratoryjnych właściwości skał stropowych w KWK Piast-Ziemowit Ruch Piast. Główny Instytut Górnictwa, 2018. Using of Innovative Pillow-Bag Filling, Supportive Containers System to Filling of Hollow Cavities in Roof and Side Walls as a Result of Roof Falling ABSTRACT: The paper presents the method of protection of the hollow cavities in roof as a result of roof falling. Each of the mines has to deal with the above problem, and their main cause is chaning geological conditions. Despite the use of appropriate prophylaxis, they cannot be avoided in one hundred percent. Hollow cavities as a result of roof falling should be filled as soon as possible for safety reasons and also to prevent further spread of hollow cavities. How- ever, this is not an easy task, because the filling must adequately secure the resulting void, has the appropriate strength conditions, ensure contact with the mining support, and at the same time enable its fastest possible implementation. In the search for an optimal solution at KWK Piast-Zie-mowit, attempts were made to use the Pillow-Bag filling, supportive containers system. There are single-chamber bags made of a suitably durable and impermeable fabric (flame-re- tardant, anistatic and non-toxic) filled with silicon foam in the form of two components: A – resin and B – catalyst. This solution does not require the use of additional devices, for the application only two employees are needed.