Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2021

ABSTRACT: The lecture presents the work carried out at PGG S.A. a photovoltaic project aimed at diversifying the energy sources for the company and reducing the emission of harmful sub- stances into the environment. At the beginning, the general photovoltaic potential of PGG S.A. was discus-sed. through the use of unused post-mining areas and construction facilities belong- ing to the company. Then, the potential in construction facilities was discussed in detail, accord- ing to the inventory made by one of the companies dealing with photovoltaics in Poland. The potential of the installed capacity as well as the technical, ecological and economic analysis of the entire photovoltaic project of PGG S.A. were presented. Then, the photovoltaic potential in unused areas belonging to PGG S.A. was discussed in detail. The paper focused on three projects submitted to the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW) competition for co-financing photovoltaic installations. The photovoltaic power po- tential as well as the technical, ecological and economic analysis of the project are also pre- sented. Next, examples of problems with which PGG S.A. is presented. met while implementing a photovoltaic project, which significantly influenced the way it was implemented. The next topic is the construction already built by PGG S.A. photovoltaic installation on the site of KWK Ruda Ruch Halemba with a power of 410 kWp with a photo report made using a drone from the con- struction site. In addition, an analysis of the annual operation of the photovoltaic installation in comparison to the assumptions was presented. Finally, the lecture was summarized with a few words and data related to the entire photovoltaic project at PGG S.A.