Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2021

LITERATURA [1] P. Stefaniak, J. Blachowski, A. Skoczylas, B. Jachnik, S. Anufriiev, DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNET OF THINGS PLATFORM FOR REAL-TIME AIR POLUTTION MINITORING SYSTEM, in: 2020: pp. 381–390. [2] L. Monostori, B. Kadar, T. Bauernhansl, S. Kondoh, S. Kumara, G. Reinhart, O. Sauer, G. Schuh, W. Sihn, K. Ueda, Cyber-physical systems in manufacturing, Cirp Ann.-Manuf. Technol. 65 (2016) 621–641. [3] F. Tramarin, M. Luvisotto, A. Willig, K. Yu, Guest Editorial: Industrial Cyber–Physical Systems—New Trends in Computing and Communications, IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform. 17 (2021) 3518–3522. [4] E. Brzychczy, P. Gackowiec, M. Liebetrau, Data Analytic Approaches for Mining Process Improvement—Machinery Utilization Use Case, Resources. 9 (2020) 17. [5] P. Kruczek, N. Gomolla, J. Hebda-Sobkowicz, A. Michalak, P. Śliwiński, J. Wodecki, P. Stefaniak, A. Wyłomańska, R. Zimroz, Predictive Maintenance of Mining Machines Using Advanced Data Analysis System Based on the Cloud Technology, in: E. Widzyk-Capehart, A. Hekmat, R. Singhal (Eds.), Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Mine Plan. Equip. Sel. - MPES 2018, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2019: pp. 459–470. 4_38. [6] L. Ardito, A.M. Petruzzelli, U. Panniello, A.C. Garavelli, Towards Industry 4.0: Mapping digital technologies for supply chain management-marketing integration, Bus. Process Manag. J. 25 (2019) 323–346. [7] A.G. Frank, L.S. Dalenogare, N.F. Ayala, Industry 4.0 technologies: Implementation patterns in manufacturing companies, Int. J. Prod. Econ. 210 (2019) 15–26. [8] Z. Chaczko, C. Chiu, A.S. Kohli, V. Mahadevan, Smart Hospital Management System: An Integration of Enterprise Level Solutions Utilising Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), Proc. 2010 3RD IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Sci. Inf. Technol. ICCSIT 2010 VOL 5. (2010) 8–15. [9] D. Jaramillo H, A. Cabrera S, M. Abad E, A. Torres V., J. Carrillo Verdum, Definition of Cybersecurity Businness Framework based on ADM-TOGAF, 2015 10TH Iber. Conf. Inf. Syst. Technol. CISTI. (2015). [10] R. Afwani, B. Irmawati, A.H. Jatmika, N. Agitha, Specialized Mobile Health Design Using the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) : A Case Study in Child and Maternity Health Services Organization, Proc. 2018 5TH Int. Conf. DATA Softw. Eng. ICODSE. (2018). [11] P. Gackowiec, M. Podobinska-Staniec, E. Brzychczy, C. Kuhlbach, T. Ozver, Review of Key Performance Indicators for Process Monitoring in the Mining Industry, Energies. 13 (2020) 20. [12] M. Cox, D. Ellsworth, Application-controlled demand paging for out-of-core visualization, in: Proc. Vis. 97 Cat No 97CB36155, IEEE, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 1997: pp. 235-244,. [13] C. Wu, R. Buyya, K. Ramamohanarao, Big Data Analytics = Machine Learning + Cloud Computing, ArXiv160103115 Cs. (2016). (accessed March 31, 2021). [14] D. Laney, 3D Data Management: Controlling Data Volume, Velocity, and Variety, META Group, 2001. Controlling-Data-Volume-Velocity-and-Variety.pdf. [15] M. Schroeck, R. Shockley, J. Smart, D. Romero-Morales, P. Tufano, Analytics: The Real-World Use of Big Data, IBM Institute for Business Value, 2012. [16] R. Patgiri, A. Ahmed, Big Data: The V’s of the Game Changer Paradigm, in: 2016 IEEE 18th Int. Conf. High Perform. Comput. Commun. IEEE 14th Int. Conf. Smart City IEEE 2nd Int. Conf.