Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2022

[2] Adamus A., Sancer J., Guranova P., Zubicek V. 2011: An investigation of the factors associated with interpretation of mine atmosphere for spontaneous combustion in coal mines, Fuel Processing Tech- nology, 92, 663-670. [3] Beamish B.B., Arisoy A. 2008: Effect of mineral matter on coal self-heating rate, Fuel, 87, 125-130. [4] Beamish B. B., Barakat M.A. 2001: George J.D., Spontaneous-combustion propensity of New Zea- land coals under adiabatic conditions, Int. J. Coal Geol.;45:217-24. [5] Beamish B.B. 2005: Comparison of the R70 self-heating rate of New Zealand and Australian coals to Suggate rank parameter, Int. J. Coal Geol.;64:139-44. [6] Cygankiewicz J. 2000: About determination of susceptibility of coals to spontaneous combustion using an adiabatic test method, Archives of Mining Sciences, 45, 247-273. [7] Dai, G.L. 2007: Study on the gaseous products in coal oxidation at low temperature. Coal Mine Safe- ty; 1:1-4. [8] Dudzińska A., Howaniec N., Smoliński A. 2015: Experimental study on sorption and desorption of propylene on polish hard coals, Energy & Fuels, 29 (8), 4850-4854. [9] Lu P., Liao G.X., Sun J.H., Li P.D. 2004: Experimental research on index gas of the coal spontane- ous at low-temperature stage, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 17, 243-247. [10] Ministerstwo Gospodarki 2016: Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 23.11.2016 w sprawie bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy oraz prowadzenia ruchu i specjalistycznego zabezpieczenia przeciw- pożarowego w podziemnych zakładach górniczych. Ministerstwo Gospodarki, Warszawa. [11] PN-93/G-04558 Węgiel kamienny. Oznaczanie wskaźnika samozapalności. [12] Raport roczny o stanie podstawowych zagrożeń naturalnych i technicznych w górnictwie węgla ka- miennego 2020. Katowice, Wydawnictwo GIG [13] Singh A.K., Singh R.V.K., Singh M.P., Chandra H., Shukla N.K. 2007: Mine fire gas indices and their application to Indian underground coal mine fires, International Journal of Coal Geology, 69, 192-204. [14] Taraba B., Pavelec Z. 2014: Investigation of the spontaneous combustion susceptibility of coal using the pulse flow calorimetric method: 25 years of experience. Fuel; 125:101-5. [15] Wang H., Dlugogorski B.Z., Kennedy E.M. 2002: Coal oxidation at low temperatures: oxygen con- sumption, oxidation products, reaction mechanism and kinetic modeling, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 29, 487-513. [16] Xia T., Zhou F., Liu J., Kang J., Gao F. 2014: A fully coupled hydro-thermo-mechanical model for the spontaneous combustion of underground coal seams. Fuel;125:106-15. [17] Zubicek V., Adamus A. 2013: Susceptibility of coal to spontaneous combustion verified by modified adiabatic method under conditions of Ostrava–Karvina Coalfield, Czech Republic, Fuel Process. Technol.; 113:63-6.