Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2022

C U R A B I T U R P U L V I N A R Q U A M 19 Item Value Volume of air storage (including TES), m 3 61,643 TES storage volume, m 3 3,770 Porosity of the packing bed, - 0.4764 Efficiency of heat storage, - 0.95 Minimum and maximum loading pressure, MPa 3.6-5.0 Air storage tank temperature, ° C 30 Nominal isentropic efficiency of compressor sections, - 0.88 Electromechanical efficiency of compressor, - 0.98 Compressor daily time operation (charging time), h 8 Nominal isentropic efficiency of expander sections, - 0.90 Electromechanical efficiency of expander, - 0.98 Expander daily time operation (discharging time), h 3 X X X I S z k o ł a E k s p l o a t a c j i P o d z i e m n e j K r a k ó w , 1 1 - 1 3 k w i e t n i a 2 0 2 2