Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2022
[22] Wichur A., Bajorek M., Frydrych K. 2007: Metoda sprawdzania podatności obudowy powłokowej; Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria, R. 31, z. 3/1, 459-468. APPLICATION OF THE CONVERGENCE-CONFINEMENT METHOD TO DESIGN OF MAIN UNDERGORUND WORKINGS LINING ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE JSW S.A. COAL MINES ABSTRACT: In specific conditions of Polish underground construction support of main un- derground mine workings, such as chambers constructed in the vicinity of shafts, is designed as a composite steel-concrete or steel-bolt-concrete lining. Recommended method of design is based on the norm PN-G-05600:1998. Since a liner must be designed as yieldable construction, only a static pressure is considered in calculations. Significantly different approach is repre- sented by convergence-confinement method, based on recommendations of New Austrian Tunnelling Method. Due to necessity of rock mass displacement prevention at the earliest pos- sible stage, a liner must be designed taking into account so called deformational pressure. In this paper a methodology and calculation formulas, used in convergence-confinement method, are presented. Examples of calculations were made on the basis of real geological and mining conditions of JSW S.A. coal mines. Subsequently obtained results were verified with numerical calculations made with finite elements method.
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