Lista referatów i streszczenia SEP 2023

Materiały Szkoły Eksploatacji Podziemnej 2023 S P I S R E F E R A T Ó W i S T R E S Z C Z E N I A 39 | S t r o n a Sesja: Metan z kopalń węgla w Polsce – stan obecny i spodziewane konsekwencje wprowadzenia proponowanej regulacji unijnej w tym zakresie Emisje metanu z polskich kopalń - systemy raportowania, społeczny dostęp do informacji oraz wycena negatywnych skutków zewnętrznych Michał Hetmański - CEO, Instrat Foundation Raport JSW i GIG na temat wykorzystania metanu z kopalni węgla w Polsce Jacek Skiba - Główny specjalista ds. badań i rozwoju, GIG Regulacje i rozwiązania w zakresie kontroli emisji metanu w USA Felicia Ruiz - Director, International Methane Partnerships and Outreach, Clean Air Task Force Degassing of Coal Mines and other Mining and Geological Investigations Volodymyr Baranov, Kateryna Babii - Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Streszczenie: Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was established to solve mining, geological and geotechnological problems in the development of mineral deposits in the middle of the last century. Ukraine has a crystalline shield, three coal basins, thousands of deposits of iron, coal, rare and trace metals and elements. During the period of his work, many methods have been developed to improve the safety of work at mining enterprises, the degassing of coal mines, and the prediction of dynamic, gas-dynamic and thermal phenomena. At the beginning of this century, the institute created the first power plant in Ukraine at a mine that runs on methane. The paper shows several phenomena and regularities described in the paper, which, together with many others, can be used in the mining industry of other countries.