Lista referatów i streszczenia SEP 2023

Materiały Szkoły Eksploatacji Podziemnej 2023 S P I S R E F E R A T Ó W i S T R E S Z C Z E N I A 56 | S t r o n a A new concept for the transformation of coal mines into an industrial and economic complex with an expanded use of mineral resources in a closed cycle Volodymyr Bondarenko, Iryna Kovalevska - Dnipro University of Technology, Ildar Salieiev - DTEK Energy, Dmytro Malashkevych - Dnipro University of Technology, Maksym Shyshov - DTEK Energy Streszczenie: The concept is integrated mining of mineral and raw material resources that are located underground and on the surface of coal mines. The integrity of mining minerals from the mine is as follows. Traditionally, coal is mined and associated methane gas is extracted, delivered to the surface and transformed into electricity in the cogeneration plants; water pumped to the surface passes through heat pumps, so we obtain additional heat for the needs of the mine; this water is then desalinated using the reverse osmosis method, resulting in clean water – drinking, technical or for plants, depending on the needs; desalination waste, in turn, is evaporated, using for this purpose cheap thermal energy from the combustion of coal sludge in special thermal units that fully meet environmental requirements. In turn, the resulting chemical substances, such as СаCl2, MgCl2, NaCl, KCl and other liquid products, are successfully sold on the industrial and road construction market; in addition, when water is evaporated, a distillate is formed, which is the initial product for producing “green” hydrogen by electrolysis, and electricity is taken from cogeneration plants when burning degassing methane. Thus, a closed chain of integrated mining and processing of minerals is proposed with a significant reduction in the negative impact on the environment. Based on the ESG-strategy, the economic-mathematical “Multibusiness” model has been substantiated for integrated mining of mineral resources at coal mines. Justification of conformity of the quick-hardening mixture parameters to the conditions of using protection means of the roadway districts Mykola Stardnychuk, Serhii Kurnosov, Serhii Makeiev - IGTM of the NSA of Ukraine, Dnipro Streszczenie: The field of application of the results of this work is cast and packed protective-insulating walls, which support roadway districts after the coal seam is mined out. A peculiarity of technologies for constructing these types of protection means of the roadways is the use of quick-hardening mixtures in a liquid state. Therefore, the method for calculating rational parameters of protective-insulating walls was improved depending on the rocks strength and the speed of the longwall face advancing. The method takes into account the dimensionless coefficients of the concrete walls weakening under the influence of their structure, relief irregularities of the rocks pressing the wall, and aggressiveness of mine water, which is used to dilute the mixture. The calculations made it possible to substantiate the conformity of the rate of the concrete hardening in the protection means to the intensity of loads on them in the conditions of the PE "Shakhta Lisova" of the SE "Lvivvugilya". Implementation of the calculation results in the production process made it possible to preserve the belt roadway for its reuse while mining the adjacent panel.