Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

Mine water is underground water that flows into mining operations and complicates the conditions for extracting minerals. The number of mines being closed is steadily increasing. In this connection, the question of using mine water becomes important. In addition, mine water pumping is important primarily from the point of view of liquidation of emergency situations in mines and stabilization of water outflow. The most common option today is the pumping of mine water, after which it is usually discharged into the environment, enters river basins and accumulates in reservoirs. Analysis of costs and temperature of mine water shows that it can serve as a source of energy that belongs to renewable and alternative energy sources. Utilization of low-potential heat of mine waters is possible with the help of heat pump technologies. The total technically achievable potential of using the thermal energy of mine waters, for example, from the mines of Western Donbas, is 1.12 TJ/year or 311.9 MWh/year, which is equivalent to the energy that can be obtained by burning approximately 80 million tons of coal (with a thermal capacity of coal 4200 kcal and efficiency of energy generating equipment 75%) [10]. Using the potential of mine water can completely solve the problem of heat supply in mining towns and has an economic effect, which consists of reducing coal costs, reducing electricity costs, and using the thermal potential of water from water discharge facilities. Hydrogen . Mine water is a promising source for obtaining hydrogen. Currently, the modern world is experiencing a hydrogen energy revolution. All over the world, national governments are adopting national strategies for development of hydrogen technologies and their integration into vital sectors of economy – energy, transport, and housing and utilities sector. As noted earlier, during the development of coal deposits, coal, rock, mine methane and mine water are brought to the surface. Operating mining enterprises annually pump about 40 million m 3 of groundwater to the surface, 70% of which is discharged into the hydrological network of the regions, contributing to deterioration of the ecological situation. One of the well-known and promising ways of producing clean energy while preserving the environment is the electrolysis of water and aqueous solutions to generate hydrogen, which requires significant water resources and electrical energy. However, currently the most economical and commercially viable method is methane reforming with steam. There is a perspective of another method of obtaining hydrogen from methane – by direct cracking, in which CO 2 is not released, and the final products are hydrogen and solid carbon. This technology has significant competitive advantages. Gasification of solid fuel with subsequent purification of synthesis gas is also a fairly effective way of obtaining hydrogen and ecologically clean fuel for the energy industry. About 70% of the chemical energy of the fuel goes into the synthesis gas, and in combination with the use of the physical gas heat, the energy-raw material ratio can reach 90%. Therefore, the complexes "steam-gas plant – thermal power station (SGP-TPS)" with fuel gasification are environmentally friendly and are gaining more and more recognition. Considering that hydrogen can be directly converted into electrical energy in fuel cells with an efficiency of up to 80%. Water is the only byproduct of hydrogen conversion in fuel cells, so toxic emissions are eliminated. For these reasons, hydrogen is widely seen as the fuel of the future. It should be noted that obtaining hydrogen by three different methods is possible simultaneously within the framework of a single coal processing complex (small thermal power complex) based on coal mining enterprises, which will increase energy security and reduce dependence on certain types of raw materials. Man-made waste . Annually, about 70 million tons of coal waste are generated at the mines and coal-processing enterprises of Ukraine, of which 40-45 million tons end up in landfills that