Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

Investigation of Self-Destruction Process of the "Coal-Gas" System Under Hydrodynamic Impact Vasyl Zberovskyi, Doctor of Technical Sciences (D.Sc.) Vasyl Vlasenko, Ph.D., Ruslan Ahaiev, Ph.D., Volodymyr Sapehin, Ph.D. Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine Maryna Kyrychenko Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine ANNOTATION: The article presents the results of hydrodynamic impact (HDI) on outburst- hazardous coal seams during work to prevent sudden outbursts of coal and gas in the mines of the Central District of Donbass. We are considering these results as scientific and industrial studies of the parameters of influence on the "coal-gas" system. Studies of the criteria for control and evaluating the effectiveness of HDI. Their analysis from the standpoint of initiating self- destruction and active degassing of a coal-rock array are given. The effect of self-destruction of the "coal-gas" system is considered as the result of the destruction process of the supramolecular assembly of the coal matter macromolecule, the detachment of the carbon molecule with formation of methane molecules. The influence of geomechanical factors on the efficiency of HDI has been established and studied in a practical way when provoking and maintaining the process of self-destruction of the "coal-gas" system through the borehole. KEYWORDS: "coal-gas" system, self-destruction, hydrodynamic impact, sudden outbursts of coal and gas. RELEVANCE Sudden outbursts of coal and gas are one of the manifestations forms of technogenic disasters in coal mines. The study of these phenomena was and is being carried out in laboratory and industrial conditions. In particular, samples of coal of varying degrees of metamorphism are examined under laboratory conditions. There are a sufficient number of results of such studies in the literature, but they do not solve the problem of sudden outbursts of coal and gas. Their main disadvantage is that the studies consider two substances that are different in structure and properties - coal and gas, and not an outburst-hazardous array formed by nature.