Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

Thus, when analyzing the results of industrial and experimental studies of HDI, the parameters of the methods were considered and the conditions for self-destruction modeling and phase transition of hydrocarbons during the destruction of coal matter were established. It has been established that it is impossible to consider the provoking and maintaining of the self- destruction process only from the standpoint of pressure gradient impact, since it is known that the self-destruction of the bottom-hole formation is based on a combination of natural and technogenic factors. It is also necessary to take into account the factor of the supporting rock pressure manifestation, which depends on the nature of the displacement of the undermined rock massif, the intensity of dynamic loading and the gasdynamic factor. The interdependence of these factors is effectively used in the HDI technology with active degassing of a coal-rock massif. However, it should be noted that all these results were obtained under industrial conditions by provoking and maintaining the process of self-destruction during HDI. Theoretical substantiation and research methodology of this process is the next stage in the knowledge of the self-destruction phenomenon of the "coal-gas" system of outburst-hazardous coal seams. To develop the scientific foundations of this geomechanical process is a very complex and multidimensional task. Since, in discrete HDI modes, additional conditions arise around the borehole for instant perturbation of the coal-gas medium, deformation of the structure of coal matter and methane generation. CONCLUSIONS 1. The process of gasdynamic self-destruction of the "coal-gas" system of outburst-hazardous coals in the HDI method occurs as a result of the discreteness of liquid injection modes, which provide a high intensity of gas release and the degree of degassing of the coal massif. During HDI, the intensification of the process of crack formation and active degassing of the coal-rock massif occurs. 2. The influence of geomechanical factors on the efficiency of HDI has been established and studied in a practical way when provoking and maintaining the process of self-destruction of the coal-gas medium through the borehole. 3. It is necessary to consider the process of provoking and maintaining the self-destruction of the coal-gas medium under the influence of the pressure gradient of the discrete HDI mode and technogenic factors that lead to crack formation, new formation in the coal matter and methane generation. 4. The absence of theoretically substantiated solutions in determining the components of dynamic loading of the coal-gas medium during HDI indicates the need to develop a research methodology, substantiate and solve theoretical problems in this direction. REFERENCES [1] Malyshev Yu.N., Trubetskoy K.N. and Ayruni A.T. 2000: Fundamentally applied methods for solving the problem of coal-bed methane, Moscow: Academy of Mining Sciences, 519 p. (in Russian) [2] Sobolev V.V., Polyashov A.S., Zberovsky V.V., Angelovsky A.A. and Chugunkov I.F. 2013: “Coal- gas” system in hydrocarbons of coal genesis. Dnepropetrovsk, ART-PRESS. 248 p. (in Russian) [3] Chetverik M.S., Ozerov I.F 2000: Geomechanical model of the displacement of the geological strata and the earth's surface during underground coal mining. Collection of scientific papers NMA of Ukraine No. 9, volume 2. Dnepropetrovsk: RIK NGA of Ukraine. (in Russian) [4] Sofiiskyi K.K., Zhitlenok D.M., Petukh A.P., Gavrilov V.I., Zolotin V.G., Kryshnev A.S. and Vlasenko V.V. 2014: Ways to intensify the degassing of coal seams and prevent coal and gas outbursts: monograph. Donetsk: "Skhidniy vydavnichiy dіm". 460 p. (in Russian)