Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

Quasicrystals are formed in disturbed zones and are an indicator of disturbances. It is very important to be able to identify them, since the main safety problems in coal mines are associated with disturbed zones: dynamic, gas-dynamic and thermal phenomena and processes. A technique for identifying plicative disturbed zones in coal mines based on the use of quasicrystals has been developed. It should be noted that these zones are not distinguished by mining geologists, since they do not have offsets. They can be distinguished only under a microscope according to the author's method. On fig. 2, for example, shows a graph of the allocation of disturbed zones from several meters to several tens of meters in a mine working [3]. The next direction concerns more lithological regularities. According to modern concepts, the lithosphere is the upper solid shell of the Earth with a small part of the upper mantle [4]. The earth is layered, it consists of the lithosphere, mantle and core. The Earth's lithosphere is also layered. On the surface of the Earth, in the process of sedimentation, sediments are formed - sands, clays, chalk, etc. Number of quasicrystals 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 Места отбора проб по длине выработки по мере приближения к сместителю надвига, м Средние значения коэффициентов формы отдельностей угля по пробам Mine working length, m Figure 2. Graph of the identification of disturbed zones using the index of quasicrystals Below the upper sediment layer are sediments and diagenesis rocks. At this stage of lithogenesis, rocks are formed. Sand transforms into sandstone, clay into argillite, chalk into limestone, and so on. Deeper than the diagenesis are deposits of sedimentary rocks of three substages of catagenesis: early, middle and late. Each of these substages is characterized by its own properties. Knowing these properties, it is possible to establish the paleodepth and paleotemperature at which these rocks were formed. These data are especially important for geologists looking for oil and gas, so as not to drill to great depths, into late catagenesis deposits, where there is no oil and gas. The research results showed that hydrocarbons are formed in the middle catagenesis (T = 370-420 0 K), emissions of rocks and gas in the deposits of coal, cuprous sandstones, and other sedimentary rocks occur only in the sediments of the middle catagenesis. Emissions of coal and gas occur in deposits of the middle and part of the late catagenesis. Rock bursts in deposits of late catagenesis and metamorphic rocks lead to man-made earthquakes. These phenomena are