Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

Expected results of project implementation and scaling If the project is implemented at the Zakhidno-Donbaska railway line, we have the following technical and economic indicators to meet our own needs:  volume of drinking water produced for the mine's needs - 250 m³/day  volume of salt chemical products produced - 25,7 t/day  cost of drinking water - 0.59 USD/m³  cost price of dry residue– 5.43 USD/t  reduced mine water discharge by 36% (from 986 m3 to 629 m3 per day)  Exclusion of costs for centralized water supply – 525 thous. USD  income from the sale of dry balance – 1.04 mln USD (for the period 2024-2028). When scaling up the project at the Ternivska railway station to meet our own needs and the needs of the population of Ternivka, we have the following technical and economic indicators:  volume of drinking water produced for the mine's needs - 290 m³/ day  volume of drinking water produced for the needs of the population - 5 000 m³/day  the amount of dry residue obtained - 543 t/day  cost of drinking water - 0.59 USD/m  cost price of dry residue - 5.43 USD/t  To obtain the required amount of drinking water, the entire volume of mine water is used – 7521 m 3 /day (the mine completely stops discharging mine water)  Exclusion of costs for centralized water supply to the mine– 40.95 thous. USD /yeat  Income from the sale of drinking water to the population at a price 0.78 USD/m³ (16% lower than the tariff set for households) – 1 391 thous. USD/year  income from the sale of dry balance – 2 924 thous. USD/year Equipment for water treatment and processing of desalination products Dry residue resulting from the processing of desalination products 15