Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

Indicator Unit of measurement Value Volume of drinking water produced for the needs of Ternivska mine m 3 /day 290 Volume of drinking water produced for the needs of the population m 3 /day 5000 Volume of dry residue obtained t/day 543 The cost of drinking water USD/m 3 0,59 Cost price of dry residue USD/t 5,43 Total volume of mine water desalination м 3 /добу 7521 Cost savings on the mine's centralized water supply thous. USD /year 40,95 Cost of sales of drinking water USD/m 3 0,77 Revenue from the sale of drinking water to the public thous. USD /year 1 391,1 Gain on sale of dry balance thous. USD /year 2 924,0 17 Technical and economic indicators of the pilot project of construction of a waste-free technological complex for desalination of mine water