Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2024

9 [5] Dubiński J., Mutke G. 2001: Ocena oddziaływania wstrząsów górniczych na powierzchnię, „Badania geofizyczne w kopalniach”. Praca zbiorowa pod red. J. Dubińskiego, Z. Pileckiego i W.M. Zuberka. Wyd. IGSMiE PAN. Kraków. [6] Frej A., Zuberek W. M. 2008: Local effects in peak accelerations caused by mining tremors in Bytom Syncline Region (Upper Silesia). Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia, pp. 115-122. [7] Joyner W. B., Boore D. M. 1981: Peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from strong-motion records including records from the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake. Bulletin of Seismological So- ciety of America, Vol. 71, No 6, pp. 2011-2038. [8] Lasocki S. i in. 2000: Prognozowanie drgań powierzchni wywołanych wstrząsami górniczymi-przegląd krytyczny. Warsztaty 2000 nt Zagrożenia naturalne w górnictwie, str. 261-279. [9] Lasocki S., Olszewska D. 2017: Ground motion prediction equations for mining induced seismicity in Legnica Glogow Cooper District in Poland. 16th World Conference of Earthquake, Santiago Chile, pp. 1-13. [10] Lurka A., Logiewa H. 2007: Sejsmologiczny system obserwacji SOS jako nowe narzędzie do obser- wacji i interpretacji danych sejsmicznych w górnictwie zagrożonym tąpaniami, Katowice, GIG, str. 283-296. [11] Ampuła D. 2015: Wartości resztowe w procesie regresji, z.133, nr 1, str 81-102. Determination of site amplification factors of seismic peak ground acceleration basing on attenuation relations for chosen region of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. ABSTRACT: In the area of KWK Myslowice-Wesola, ground vibrations from seismic events induced by mining activity is being continuously monitoring since May 2007 using 3 three– component seismic stations. Based on the seismic data obtained from recording of high-energy tremors an attempt was made to estimate the parameters of seismic attenuation relations, includ- ing the site amplification factors related to near–surface geological layers. Site amplification is the effect of increasing the amplitude of seismic vibrations recorded on the surface that is de- pendent on the parameters of the subsurface layers such as density, thickness, seismic velocity and wave type. To the estimation of site amplification was made by multiple regression analysis based on the Joyner-Boore attenuation model. KEY WORDS: induced seismicity, ground vibrations, vibration amplificator factor