Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2024

9 [4] Szlązak N., Obracaj D., Szlązak Ł.: Projektowanie parametrów wentylacji lutniowej w drążonych wyrobiskach podziemnych z wykorzystaniem programu komputerowego AGHWEN-3.0. Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria 2005, Rok 29, Zeszyt 3/1, str. 433-445. [5] Marat (2023): Materiały ofertowe Grupy Marat. EXPERIENCES OF EXCAVATION VENTILATION WITH LUTE VENTILATION USING THE WLE MARAT-900 ST FAN In mines, lute ventilation (suction, discharge or combined) is used to ventilate blind excava- tions. The excavations often exceed 1,000 m and also have large cross-sections due to the me- thane hazard. In such cases, fans with very high operating parameters - high backpressure and high capacity - must be used for ventilation. The article describes the experience of using the WLE MARAT-900 ST fan for ventilating blind workings. The examples presented concerned the use of the fan in suction, discharge and combined ventilation systems.