Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2024
47) Forbes, B. The Application of Distributed Optical Sensing for Monitoring Support in Underground Excavations. MSc Dissertation, Department of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Cana- da, 2015. 48) Forbes, B.; Vlachopoulos, N.; Hyett, A.J. An optical sensor for capturing the three-dimensional bending of bolts. In Ground Support 2016; Nordlund, E., Jones, T.H., Eitzenberger, A., Eds.; Lulea University of Technology: Lulea, Swe- den, 2019. 49) Ficek P, Modrzik M. i Budzyński P.: Rola obudowy kotwowej w utrzymaniu wyrobisk przyścianowych w KWK Piast- Ziemowit Ruch Ziemowit. W sesji: Obudowy kotwiowe na drodze do poprawy efektywności drążenia wyrobisk Szkoły Eksploatacji Podziemnej 2018, Kraków. 50) Modrzik M., Kuczowicz K., Mąsior J. i Cudny S.: Wyprzedzająca zabudowa obudowy indywidualnej ścian wydobyw- czych na przykładzie KWK Piast-Ziemowit Ruch Ziemowit. W sesji: Nowe techniki i technologie w podziemnej eksploa- tacji złóż Szkoły Eksploatacji Podziemnej 2018, Kraków. THE DSI-FORBS (FIBER OPTIC ROCK BOLTS SYSTEM) FIBER – OPTIC MEASUREMENT SYSTEM USED AT PGG S.A. COAL MINE PIAST-ZIEMOWIT PART ZIEMOWIT. ABSTRACT: This article concerns tasks carried out over the last three years aimed at developing a measurement solution in- tended for monitoring rock masses using the FORBS fiber-optic measurement system during the operation of an underground working in the Ziemowit mine (PGG). The main element that draws attention of this article is the structure of a steel rod an- chor (Ø22x2500mm) from MEROL, used to strengthen the rock mass in underground workings of mining plants, equipped with a fiber-optic measurement system based on point sensors with a Bragg grating (FBG - Fiber Bragg Grating). The article contains: - information about the item, which is the FORBS fiber optic measuring anchor, - description of the applied and conducted experimental tests of the FORBS anchor, - description of the installation and testing of the FORBS fiber optic measurement system in the operating conditions of the underground workings of the Ziemowit mine, - results of tests performed.
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