Materiały konferencyjne SEP 2023

One of the new scientific directions - the structuring of matter, has been studied since the end of the last century. During this time, several new natural phenomena and more than 20 patterns have been described, which were patented in the prescribed manner. These patterns and phenomena are united by one common theme - the study of structural transformations. These studies are needed to determine the properties of matter in general; properties of minerals and rocks - in particular. We need the properties of matter, for example, to predict accumulations or deposits of solid, liquid and gaseous bioliths and caustobioliths (coal, oil, gas); dynamic, gas-dynamic and thermal phenomena in coal mines; reservoir properties of rocks; strength, porosity, humidity and other important parameters and characteristics of sedimentary and crystalline formations. The structure of rocks is a complex of constantly transforming parameters, under the influence of changing conditions, characterizing the structure and properties of matter in general and a particular rock in particular. Reservoir properties and volumes of gas content depend on the structure of sedimentary rocks. This is important for coal deposits, where an increased content of gas, primarily methane, leads to gas-dynamic phenomena, fumaroles, and gas explosions. The basic sign of the structure of organic matter is a cell, crystalline is a crystal, quasi- crystalline is a quasi-crystal, amorphous is a non-crystalline mixture, liquid-crystalline is a liquid crystal, etc. Of great importance in the study of the structure of a substance is the size of rock-forming grains, their degree of roundness, the percentage of detrital grains and the number of their fractions in the rock. In addition, the microstructure is studied, which gives a lot of information about the thermobaric processes inherent in a particular rock. The microstructure includes various inclusions in rock-forming grains, microdeformations of various nature, sizes and shapes, the chemical composition of inclusions, their shape, size and other characteristic features. The quasi-crystalline structure - the transitional phase between the crystalline form of matter and the non-crystalline (amorphous) form of matter - was established at the end of the last century and described later in [1, 2]. Quasicrystals have different sizes, they combine blockiness, jointing, microjointing. What they have in common is the presence of regular geometric shapes (Fig. 1). a b Figure 1. Quasicrystals under an electron microscope 2000 X a) amber, b) window glass