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Investment costs comparison of shafts and declines

Data: środa 25.02.2015

Sesja: International Mining Forum 2015 – część I

Godzina/Sala: 14:20 - 14:40 - A

Tytuł: Investment costs comparison of shafts and declines

Autorzy: Branko Gluščević, Čedomir Beljić, Zoran Gligorić - Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, Serbia


In this paper we focus on some of the more important economic criteria that should be taken into account when planning the variants of the opening with shafts and/or declines systems, required for exploitation of the mineral deposit.
The complexity of the problems that are encountered and solved when mining is started should be taken into consideration since it is evident that projects are unavoidably of the multidimensional nature and frequently controversial. We think that multidimensional nature of the mining projects may be rather simple, and in a certain way that multidimensional nature may be distorted and presented as a single criterion.
Optimization of the financial return per rand of venture capital employed for the project as a whole may be our choice for the selection the parameters that are to be designed. This criterion may not always satisfy the investment objective in all cases (as, for instance, where risk limitation is important), however it may serve to place the relative economic advantages and disadvantages of specific design features, into correct perspective with respect to the overall economics of the project under the prevailing economic ambient at the time of the investigation, although they may be sometimes in opposition.


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