The Construction of Shafts in the Copper Fields, in the conditions of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline as exemplified by the SW-4 Shaft
Data: środa 25.02.2015
Sesja: International Mining Forum 2015 – część I
Godzina/Sala: 17:30 - 17:50 - A
Tytuł: The Construction of Shafts in the Copper Fields, in the conditions of the Fore-Sudetic Monocline as exemplified by the SW-4 Shaft
For 55 years the company Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Kopalń PeBeKa S.A. with its registered office in Lubin has been providing specialist services in the field of mining and engineering construction based on state-of-the-art technologies. Since its establishment the company has sunk numerous shafts with a combined length of 29 kilometres in the conditions of the Pre-Sudetic Monocline. The geological and hydro-geological conditions of the Monocline result in the necessity of the specialist preparation of the rock mass for shaft sinking operations by the freezing of the strongly water-logged, loose and cohesive Caenozoic formations as well as the cohesive and considerably water-logged upper and middle variegated sandstone formations. The very shaft sinking operations have been carried out by means of the mechanical rock mining as well as the drill and blast technology. This article presents the shaft sinking technologies used during the construction of the SW-4 shaft. Over many years these technologies have been developed and adjusted to the specific properties of the rock mass around the shafts. At this point in time they have been verified as effective and guaranteeing complete safety of conducted operations.
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