Soil respiration in anthropogenic habitats compared to forests in the Urban area
Data: Poniedziałek 26.02.2024
Sesja: Górnictwo w Dobie Zielonej Przemiany – Transformacja technologiczno – przyrodnicza terenów przekształconych
Godzina/Sala: 14:40 - 15:00 - PIANO
Tytuł: Soil respiration in anthropogenic habitats compared to forests in the Urban area
Title: Soil respiration in anthropogenic habitats compared to forests in the Urban area.
The Upper Silesia is the most disturbed industrial region in Europe due to hard coal excavation. The substrates disposed in these de novo novel habitats are far different from the soil in natural habitats. The harsh environmental factors in the post coalmine areas change the soil respiration, which in turn affect the carbon sink in such industrial areas. Studying the carbon dynamic in post coalmine disturbed ecosystems is necessary for the management in human disturbed urban industrial landscapes.
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